Chronic Pain Care in Perth CBD
Discover Drug-free Help at Central City Chiropractic
The impact of pain, particularly chronic pain, is far-reaching. It can affect everything from one’s day-to-day activities and quality of life, to the level of employee productivity at Australia’s most powerful corporations. According to a recent report from the National Centre for Health Statistics of the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), approximately one in 10 adults suffers chronic pain lasting at least a year, and one in four reports suffering pain for at least an entire day during the previous month.
Adults 18 years and older were instructed to report whether they had experienced any of four types of pain during the three months prior to interview: low back pain, migraine/severe headache, neck pain, and facial ache in the jaw or joint in front of the ear. Respondents were asked to report only pain that lasted an entire day or more, excluding minor aches and pains. Low back pain was the most commonly reported of the four types of pain, the most common cause of job-related disability, and a leading contributor to missed work and reduced productivity. The second most frequently reported chronic pain type was severe headache and or migraine.
Remember, you don’t have to live with pain, and you don’t have to resign yourself to taking pain medications every day. Chiropractors are experts in managing pain – especially back pain, neck pain and headache pain, three of the most prevalent types of pain reported in the CDC study – without the use of drugs.
If you’re tired of putting up with chronic pain and just accepting it, we invite you to contact our Perth CBD practice today for an appointment!