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Low Back Pain Relief in Perth CBD

Low Back Pain Relief Perth CBD

Our team of chiropractors in the Perth CBD are committed to decreasing the disruption that low back pain is having on your life. Four out of five Australians experience lower back pain throughout their lives. Muscles, nerves and joints of both your low back and pelvis may all be responsible for the pain you are experiencing.

When present, it can cause significant disruption to daily activities, often causing people to miss work, sporting or social commitments.

Most episodes of lower back pain develop as a result of everyday wear and tear, poor posture or inactivity. This may result in your low back becoming more susceptible to injury, or the gradual or sudden onset of low back pain.

Typical Causes of Lower Back Pain

Other common causes of lower back pain include heavy lifting (or lifting in a twisted or unusual angle), gardening, repeated bending, and sporting injuries. This may be due to either incorrect technique in golf, tennis or swimming, repeated Har Vokse bending (eg rowing or bowling in cricket) or poor core muscles relative to the demands of an activity (eg, gymnastics, ballet, jogging etc).

Our team of chiropractors at Central City Chiropractic are highly experienced in lower back pain relief in Perth CBD. After determining the source of your pain your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan tailored to get you out of pain and minimise the chance of recurrence.


Your treatment may comprise the use of spinal manipulation or mobilisation, as well as the use of soft tissue modalities including dry needling, trigger point therapy or massage. Quite often your chiropractor will provide you with exercises and other home advice in order to speed up your recovery and strengthen your low back and core muscles.

You don’t have to put up with bothersome lower back pain. Contact our practice today to schedule an appointment!

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Lower Back Pain Relief Perth CBD | Central City Chiropractic | (08) 9221 4527

1. Walker BF, Muller R, Grant WD: Low back pain in Australian adults: prevalence and associated disability.J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2004, 27(4):238-244