Group Fitness Classes

Exercise Classes, Supervised by one of our Physiotherapists

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Total Body Reset

Back ache, stiff neck, tight hips, or poor posture from sitting at a desk all day? We’ve got you covered.

Combat desk decay today by getting yourself to our Total Body Reset class, which is the ultimate solution for busy office workers who sit all day, to reset and re-energize. In this snappy 40-minute class (because we know how busy you are!), we put together the best exercises that help undo all the negative effects of sitting for long periods at a computer.

Beating desk decay also prevents injury and pain, so that you can stay fit to do all the things you love, and live your best life!

Benefits to the class:

  • better posture
  • build core strength
  • improve focus and concentration
  • boost productivity
  • relieve tension
  • restore balance
  • move better and feel better
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Metabolic Reboot

The goals of this class are to increase your cardiovascular fitness and your overall strength. A healthier heart and increased metabolism can be hugely beneficial for those who may have health conditions including:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure

One of our Physios will lead and motivate you through this 40 minute class, ensuring your technique is correct, and any required progressions or regressions are provided. If you’re ready to get started on a new routine, get in touch!

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Strong Backs

Your spine health is incredibly important to your whole body function, and this class will help you optimise its strength and movement. Back pain can affect the way you walk, your sleep health, your enjoyment of sports and hobbies, and so many other aspects of life.

Do any of these things sound familiar?

  • poor posture
  • long hours working at a desk
  • reoccurring back pain
  • waking up with a sore back
  • decreased flexibility and mobility
  • pain that travels into your neck or through your hips and legs
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Power Yoga

Sharon’s power yoga classes are vinyasa or flow based, with an emphasis on synchronizing mindful movement with breath. The class includes core work, standing series, and relaxation at the end in savasana. She often includes elements of Pilates & Physiotherapy principles in her classes with a focus on movement control, flexibility, and building strength for your whole body.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • increase overall strength and balance
  • improve flexibility and mobility
  • lowers cortisol levels and aids relaxation
  • relaxes chronic muscle tension
  • improves sleep
  • improves body awareness
  • improves focus and concentration

You don’t have to be flexible or good at yoga to join this 60 minute class, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You can explore what feels good, leave what doesn’t, and have fun on this journey.

Select “Group sessions” below to see all class bookings.

Want to learn more about Central City Chiropractic?

Our aim is to help you enjoy a better, more abundant life.

We treat our clients like family and would do for you what we’d do for one of our own.

Contact us today for information about how we can help you!

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